Friday, December 4, 2009

Blizzard? Why not... it IS December after all....

We're being hit with a mighty fierce Blizzard right now, but that's no surprise since I'm practically living in the North Pole! Ok, Santa might disagree...  but we might as well be neighbors!  Schools a no-go today and kid # 1 and #2 are driving me batty. The only obvious choice is to work through my tremendous procrastination issues and start decorating the house and putting up the tree!  Because kid #2 is 15 months and into EVERYTHING they'll be no real tree this year,,,just a 4ft little beauty from Walmart (complete with mini decorations, natch!)  It most definately isn't going to be the festive Christmas experience I like to put on, but whatevah!  Speaking of festive X-mas experiences, here's my vision of what could be...someday.

Ok, I'm down with Pottery Barn, though not totally in love with everything they have...sometimes its all bit too "country" for me...  I prefer things a bit more contemporary.

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